Friday, February 22, 2008

We're behind again. Big Surprise.

This time, it's nanotechnology, which it seems is "morally unacceptable" to the majority of Americans, according to a University of Wisconsin study, reported in the Wall Street Journal.

nanocarIn the study, just 29.5% of the 1,000 or so interviewed found nanotech research morally acceptable.

My guess is that 70% of the country don't know what nanotechnology is, due to the abysmal state of science education here. It's clear that there's an obvious anti-science, anti-reason movement in the US right now so anything equated with the "evil science" has to be against religion.

Interestingly, Europeans don't appear to have that problem, not surprisingly.

I swear, if we don't get our act together as a nation, we're going to be left behind in the race for the future.


Anonymous said...

This shocked me.
I would have thought that only an infinitesimally small proportion of people would object to nanotech research...
I am sure you are right and they have no idea what it is. It's probably most depressing that people will object to something purely on the grounds that it's "science"

Angry Lab Rat said...

I think you said it best, Heather.

Wow. I'm just as shocked. Clearly they can't know what is meant by the term. Or are we surrounded by neo-Luddites?

Once again, I scratch my head and wonder why I haven't moved to Canada.

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